Monthly Archives: April 2018

2018 Update

New publications that result either from the rapid ethnography that this blog is now a historical archive of will be linked to below as they are produced. A number of outputs are planned in addition to the chapter referenced immediately below. There will be country case studies, results from the international spitting survey as well as a book. Follow this blog and be alerted when these appear (intermittently as the writing for this interest, unfortunately, often has to take a back seat behind my other research).

Coomber, R., Moyle, L. and Pavlidis, A. (2018) ‘Public spitting in ‘developing ’ nations of the global south: harmless embedded practice or disgusting, harmful and deviant?’, in Kerry Carrington, Russell Hogg, John Scott and Maximo Sozzo (eds.) Palgrave Handbook on Criminology and the Global South, Palgrave Macmillan.

[Go to chapter 25]